Dinner in a Jar: Instant Pot Dinner Kits and Recipes
www.cameliaelliott.com, Facebook - Dinner in a Jar: Instant Pot Dinner Kits and Recipes
For those who follow my blog and Facebook page, I’ve been writing about cooking five pounds of meat at a time, in the Instant Pot, and freezing it for individual meals. Here’s an example of what you can do for a quick and easy meal. Remove the precooked meat from the freezer, heat it, drain and heat a can of black beans, spread both onto 4 spinach tortillas, roll, top with your favorite cheese.
Bake for a few minutes to melt the cheese. We serve these with Red Hot Blues (healthy blue corn chips available at your favorite health food store) and our favorite sugar free hot sauce. Wah lah–burritos are served for dinner! Simple and delicious. These freeze well for a quick lunch.