Dinner in a Jar: Instant Pot Dinner Kits and Recipes
www.cameliaelliott.com, Facebook - Dinner in a Jar: Instant Pot Dinner Kits and Recipes
Feeling accomplished! I prepped and froze meat for 15 future meals–before noon! Do you prep and freeze meat for future meals? If not, you should. This is such a time saver and will help you be disciplined to cook when coming home from a…
In this recipe, you’ll learn how to make pizza that has a crispy (not soggy) crust. I learned this by a “happy mistake”. I could have called this recipe “Whatever Veges You Have in the Frig Pizza” because that is basically what I did!…
For those who follow my blog and Facebook page, I’ve been writing about cooking five pounds of meat at a time, in the Instant Pot, and freezing it for individual meals. Here’s an example of what you can do for a quick and easy…
In this post, I cook 5 pounds of ground beef in the instant pot to freeze for future meals. It is simple! Place trivet in bottom of instant pot. Add 1 cup of water. Place 5 pounds ground beef on top of trivet. Add…
For those who follow my blog and Facebook page, I’ve been talking about cooking five pounds of meat at a time and freezing it for individual meals. Here’s an example of what you can do for a quick and easy meal. I removed the…